The Property Tax Working Group

The Property Tax Working Group is a project of 1000 Friends of Connecticut. The Property Tax Working Group’s primary focus is to significantly reduce the share of total state and local revenue collected from property taxes, and to do so in a way that advances economic growth and minimizes adverse land-use decisions.

As a consequence of this primary objective, the Group advocates for:

  • Revenue rebalancing that makes Connecticut’s tax structure simpler, fairer and more progressive.

  • Economic equity and racial justice through “fair share” affordable housing policies

  • Education funding necessary to close the achievement gap.

  • Economic growth that benefits all citizens and helps to close the enormous income gap.

  • Responsible management of employee benefits and retirement income.

  • Investment in human capital.

  • Regional collaborations and economies of scale.

  • Transparency and accountability.

  • Environmental, social and economic justice.

  • Meaningful citizen participation.

  • Clean energy alternatives.

  • A viable, safe and affordable public transportation network.

The Property Tax Working Group is composed of policymakers; former state legislators, municipal officials and executive branch officials; labor leaders; academics; regional government directors; budget experts and economists; and journalists. For information about the members, click here.

The Property Tax Working Group developed and maintains the Tax Policy Collaborative website.

1000 Friends of Connecticut


The goal of 1000 Friends of Connecticut is to promote and shape growth to ensure a prosperous economy for all; a healthy natural environment; a safe and efficient transportation system; and distinctive, integrated and attractive communities while fostering opportunities in education, housing and employment for this generation and those to come.

Smart growth policies seek to benefit society by ensuring that market forces are properly utilized to create compact, affordable and pedestrian-friendly communities. Smart growth policies result in living-wage jobs with benefits. Smart growth policies protect valuable farmland and wisely steward historic and natural resources. Smart growth stands for a tax system that is progressive and not overly reliant on property taxes to pay for local services and quality public education.

Smart growth policies aim to reverse the trend of poorly planned, sprawling development that historically has gobbled up open space, led to a rise in strip malls and big-box stores and scarred the state’s landscape. Smart growth will lead to economic competitiveness and improve the state’s business climate. Smart growth is Connecticut’s future.